Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Maths Day 3 - 01.07.20

Day 3

Year 1 - Week 10 - Lesson 3 - Recognising notes from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Lesson 3-  Please follow the link for today’s activity


NEW LINKS - Virtual Sports Day


We apologise that the links didn't work 

yesterday. Click below to watch the videos 

and log your score 


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Maths Day 2 - 30.06.20

Day 2

Year 1 - Week 10 - Lesson 2 - Recognising coins from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Lesson 2-  Please follow the link for today’s activity


English: Week 29th June

Tuesday 30th June 

English Week 14

Good Morning Year 1!

On this post there are four different English Activities to complete this week.

Last week you created your own superheroes! This week we are going to write about where they live. It could be a secret lair, a cave, a school or any place you can imagine.

We are still being creative this week. 

Lesson 1

LO: To imagine and draw a setting

For our first lesson we are going to be really creative and imagine our superhero in a setting. Superheroes can have unusual bases so think as carefully as you can.
Here are some pictures to give you some ideas.


Can you draw your superhero’s base?
Add labels to remember what you have put in there.

Gadget station
Science lab

Lesson 2

LO: To create a word bank

When we describe a setting, it is good to use our senses to help us.

Let’s say you are your superhero and you are in your secret base.

What can you see?
What can you hear?


Can think of 5 things you can see and 5 things you can hear? Record them in a table like the one below.


running water
bats flying  


 Lesson 3

LO: To use adjectives to describe

It is important to use adjectives to describe.
We are going to use the nouns that you recorded yesterday to create expanded noun phrases.

An expanded noun phrase is when we use one or more adjective in front of a noun to describe.

For example, blue butterfly or beautiful blue butterfly.


Can you write at least 7 expanded noun phrases to describe your setting? Use your learning from yesterday.

New, shiny gadgets
State of the art computer
Quiet drops of running water
Shrieking bats flapping their wings  

Lesson 4

LO: To write a settings description

Today we are going to bring our learning together.

We are going to write full sentences that have...

Capital letters
Full stops
Expanded noun phrases
Sounds for spelling
Finger spaces
Best handwriting


Can you put your expanded noun phrases into full sentences to describe your superhero’s secret base?
Try to write at least 6 sentences.


In the corner, was a pile of new, shiny gadgets and next to them was a state of the art computer. When everything was quiet she could hear the quiet drops of running water. Her secret base was deep under the ground because she didn’t want anyone to find it.

Remember to use your writing toolkit and try your best.

Science: Week 14


This week’s activities are all about describe and comparing animal bodies.

In Year 1, we have some important questions that we are going to try and answer before the Summer.

Can I name lots of different animals?
What different types of animals are there?
Can I group animals?
Can I label parts of animals and humans? 

29th June 2020  Week 2

Lots of animals have similar parts of the body. Even human.

Can you think of animals that have a head, eyes, legs, ears, mouth and ears?

Other animals have body parts that humans do not.

Follow the link underneath to an explanation about some of these animals.

Activity 1

Can you choose 2 of your favourite animals?

Using the format below and this word mat, can you write 4 sentences to describe each animal?

Activity 2

Time to draw and create some animals.

Use the descriptions below to imagine and draw your own pets.

We love to see your learning. Remember to send your learning to year1@hilltop.doncaster.sch.uk

Virtual Sports Week


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

To log your score - https://buff.ly/2JLxTUi...

To see the activities - https://buff.ly/2YF4fXp...

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Maths Day 1 - 29.06.20

Good morning Year 1!

We hope you had a lovely weekend.

This week’s Maths is based on Money! You will be learning to recognise and count coins as the week progresses!

Day 1

Year 1 - Week 10 - Lesson 1 - Ordering numbers from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

Lesson 1-  Please follow the link for today’s activity

Reading: Week 29.06.20

Happy Monday Year 1
 We are starting to read our text Supertato!

Below are the first few pages to the text. There is also a link to a reading of the text.

Can you read the pages carefully, using your phonics to sound out tricky words?

Please read each question twice before writing an answer on a piece of paper or discussing with your grown up.

1)    What time was it in the supermarket?

2)   Why was there a crash and a bang?

3)   Where was Carrot stuck?

4)  What had happened to Broccoli?

5)   Who came to the rescue?

6)   List two things Supertato did to help the other vegetables.

7)   ‘Oh know – not a pea!’ everyone gasped.

If the vegetables gasped, what does this tell you about how they are feeling?

8)   Why did the evil pea run off?

Remember you can email your learning to us at year1@hilltop.doncaster.sch.uk