Sunday, May 3, 2020

Friday 8th May diary writing

Friday 8th May
Todays learning is all about you using all you have learnt this week from your reading of the text and other activities to write some amazing descriptive sentences about Hattie's feelings.
Imagine you are Hattie the hedgehog. You have spent weeks preparing your winter home and then lots of animals asked if they could stay too! What were you thinking and feeling at the time? What did you do? Did your feelings change over time? Write a diary entry from Hattie’s point of view.
The important thing to remember when writing your sentences is to ensure you are extending them using your conjunctions and adding extra detail through including some good adjectives.

Hatties' Diary 

Remember to choose the one that challenges your thinking.

Hope you have another fantastic week and don't forget to send us your photos so we can share them with your friends.

Additional Extended learning resources
Talk cards
Hibernation home for sale
Questions, statements or commands
Hibernating Animal Reading comprehension 

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